Today we went to Örarevet, about 60 km east of Karlskrona, took a walk along the beach, grilled salmon and halloumi and had we potatosalad with it, so good. And to top it all, we took a nap on the beach after lunch :Þ
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Walking Activity 3.55 km | RunKeeper
Spent the midsummer weekend with friends. On friday we met at Josefin, ate herring and potatos for lunch, a delicious choclate and strawberry cake for tea, and finished off with a bbq. We made a maypole and of course we danced around it.
On saturday i drove to Öland, Borgholm to meet up with Jessica and her friends. We partied at the Strandhotell and stayed in a nice little house, Villa Sol and just generally had a good time.
Yesterday mum and dad came for a visit and will stay for a week. Today the sun is shining and it is so nice, promising day tomorrow to, we plan to go to Örarevet in Torsås,
grill and just enjoy the natur, who knows maybe i will take this years first dip in the ocean.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Creatures of habit!
Have we become such a creatures of habit that we have forgotten how nice a walk in the rain can be? Left my car for service at Toyota and for me the obvious choice was to walk home. Ok just before i arrived at toyota the rain was really poring down but it was ok when i arrived. The gentleman at Toyota wondered how i would take me home, and when i said walking he wondered where to, cause his collegue lives down town and if i wanted to wait for 30 min, he could drive me home. I just thanked him for his kindness, started spotify and walked home. Actually im impressed that there are still real gentlemen out there, i thought they were extinct!
Just for your info, i just bought the coolest coffeebrewer to have at work, so no more bad coffee at work. Its a pressurebrewer, thermos and a coffee/teacup all in one :) and i also order a bucketgrill, so soon i will be a proud owner of a grill and can bbq this summer on a real grill, not those disposable ones :)
Running Activity 4.36 km | RunKeeper
Running Activity 4.36 km | RunKeeper
Went for a run yesterday, the funny thing is i have ran this route 3 times and have 3 different measurements for it!! Whats up with that.
Have 2 more days of work this week and after that its all party. Friday is Midsommarparty at Josefin and Thomas house. Saturday i will go to Öland with Jess and some of her friends to party (what else)
Next week mum and dad are coming for a few days, overall its a good start of the summer
kram kram
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Bright lights big city
Was in Stockholm last tuesday with my wonderfully wonderful Jess. We met our friend Linda, drank some beer and just loved being in beautiful Stockholm. We saw Linkin Park that evening, good concert.
On wednesday i went to Uppsala and met Guðrún, Eiríkur, Jóhanna and Gísli, its been too long since we met, and it was so great to see them.
I really could see myself living in Stockholm, maybe its time for a change?
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Running Activity 4.47 km | RunKeeper
Running Activity 4.47 km | RunKeeper
Ran in my new ET shoes, dont know if it was the air under my feet but i ran faster and a little bit further than before :) Strange really because i really wasnt feeling like i was up to it, but the feeling after the selftorture is over is to good not to do it.
Its just to keep up the good work!!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Walking Activity 6.46 km | RunKeeper
Walking Activity 6.46 km | RunKeeper
A walk in my new easytone shoes. Couldnt say no when mom offered to buy me a pair could I. Nice shoes and if they really tone my legs, thighs and butt, fine by me :)
Going to Stockholm on tuesday with Jessica for a concert, we are going to see Linkin Park. On Wednesday I´ll go to Uppsala and meet my friends Guðrún and Eiríkur and Jóhanna and Gísli. Its been to long since I've met them.
Those are my plans for the week on thursday i start working nights and have 4 in a row, lucky me!!
kram kram
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
Running Activity 2.29 mi | RunKeeper
Running Activity 2.29 mi | RunKeeper
Went out for a run, trying to get into shape before my trip in the fall. Had to stop after almost 30 min, my old nemesis my intestine put in a protest and refused my to run any further without an accident. So the good girl that i am i walked home.
My trip in the fall.....
Me and Jess are going to explore the Croatian coastline, the plan is to fly to Croatia and travel down the coastline and possibly islands and fly home from somewhere longer down the coastline. Sounds amazing i know, we think so too. The only plans will be where to fly to and where to fly home from.
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Running Activity 2.74 mi | RunKeeper
Running Activity 2.74 mi | RunKeeper
Went out for a run earlier today. It was 22°C in the shadow, and the few shadows on my route were greatly appreaciated. I thought i would melt!!
But who am I to complain, from what i have heard they had a little snow in Reykjavik yesterday and its still quite cold there.
Also I´m tired of the disgusting fridge at work. We clean it every sunday but still we have some old food. Last sunday i threw out someones dinner which had green fury spots on it and it wasnt kiwi. So i put this note on the fridge hoping people will start thinking before leaving half a sandwich they wont eat later, even though that was their original plan. Our work fridge is a biohazard!!
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Walking Activity 3.82 mi | RunKeeper
Walking Activity 3.82 mi | RunKeeper
Walk in the sun in västra mark. Its like 22 degrees outside and sunbathing i understand but taking a dip in the water when its not even 20 degrees in the water i dont understand!! For me to go in the water it has to be over 20 degrees, preferably over 22 than its ok.
Its my day off and i´ve been doing nothing today, just enjoying my day off in the sun.
kram kram
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Cycling Activity 31.39 mi | RunKeeper
Cycling Activity 31.39 mi | RunKeeper
First bikeride of the summer completed, was somewhere between 45- 50 km, 2,5 hours. Is ok but im so out of shape.
If you click on the link and then check my profile you can see my route, and activity.
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