Slept for 10 hours so my head is a bit clearer now, and so is the sky. The sun is shining in my honor of course.
My 30 hour trip was ok, the 4:30 hour wait in Madrid went by fairly quickly with my new book, the flight Madrid-Lima 11:30 hour was ok too. The tv wasnt working so all i could do was try to sleep. When i had been dosing off for like an hour, the airhostess shouted on the intercom that they had a medical emergency is there a doctor or a nurse on board. Well normally i just sink down i my seat and look the other way but this time the patient was sitting in the next row. So i told her that im a nurse. But since my german is limited to my name is Anna and im a nurse, the airhostess waited for the doctor who had risen from his seat. She obviously doesnt know a skilled nurse when she sees one ;-) so i just turned the other way and tried to go back to sleep. The patient was ok btw, he walked off the plane in Lima.
In Lima the stress began, i had to go trough immigrations, did not take to long so was ok, wait for my bag, to check it in on the plane to Cusco. The line for check in was 50 minutes, my plane had allready started boarding when the finally finished my check in, i was not allowed to go to bagdrop even though i was allready checked in from Copenhagen. So a very stressed out, sweatty Doris ran upstairs, had to stop by first to pay airport taxes, then run through security and sat down in my seat with 10 minutes to spare. But i made it and now i am in Cusco.
My program starts on sunday so i have few days to find the office and get use to the altitude.
kram kram
Óþolandi þegar sjónvarpið í eropleininu virkar ekki
Skítt með sjónvarpið, þá er bara að gerast menningarlegur og lesa góðar bókmenntir heheheh
Hef nú mestar áhyggjur af þessari flugfreyju sem tekur einhvern læknabjálfa fram yfir þig, talar hún ekki ensku kellingarálkan múhahahaha
Gaman að heyra loksins almennilega frá þér.
Eins gott að við tókum nokkrar hlaupaæfingar í Orlando, annars hefðir þú aldrei klárað þetta hlaup á flugvellinum ;o) <3
Ekki auðvelt að vera menningarlegur þegar lesljósið er í sömu fjarstýringu og var fyrir sjónvarpið. Allt dimmt þannig að það eina sem var hægt að gera var að reyna að sofa. Ég var reyndar dauðfegin að sleppa við að sinna kallgreyinu;)
Skil þig mjög vel, hjúkket fyrir lækninum :o)
Það fylgdi ekki sögunni að það hefði ekki verið neitt lesljós þannig að gáfumannatillagan mín hefði ekki komið ef ég hefði vitað það hehehehehe
Gott að heyra að þú ert komin heil á höldnu til Perú. Gangi þér vel skvísa í prógramminu.
Kveðja Hulda og co.
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