Saturday, December 18, 2010

My last night in Cusco

Today i treated myself with a massage, i got an incamassage, a combination of therapymassage and stonemassage. It took over a hour and it only cost 175 SEK/ 3000 ISK. I dont know where i could find that price at home?
Tonight i am going to a nice restaurant called Fallen angel, some of the tables are bathtubs filled with fishes and of course a glass so you can watch the fishes while you enjoy your dinner. After dinner the plan is to go to a openingparty at Wild Rover hostel here in Cusco, a group of Irish guys just opened a hostel here, they have one in La Paz, Bolivia, from what i have heard its a very popular hostel.

Tomorrow at 15:05 i leave Cusco for Lima, at 20:10 i leave Lima for Madrid. On sunday i will arrive to Madrid and spend a day there if it is possible to land, i just read in the news that many airports in europe are closed because of the snow. If all goes well i leave Madrid on monday for Copenhagen and should be home in Karlskrona somewhere around 20-21, all depending on SJ´s ability to take me home.

I will miss Cusco and my friends here, but i look forward to meet all my wonderful friends in Karlskrona aswell.

Hasta luego

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Tried to go paragliding today but the weather was not on my side. We left Cusco at 9 in the morning and drove to Chincheros for the take off site. We were just 2 people, me and Colin from Ireland. The pilot desided that Colin would go first, but we had to wait for a better conditions. So we sat down and waited and waited some more. At 11:45 Colin and Edgar took off and glided through the air. When they came back the wind had settled a little so we have to wait a little more for my turn. I dont know if it was a hint from my mum (she was not all too happy about me paragliding) or maybe it was Caroline it started to rain, and then it rained some more. Eventually it stopped raining and what happened then, you guessed right there was no more wind, how is that possible on a mountain? So no paragliding for me. I have looked at the weatherforecast for the next 2 days and well its going to rain so I will just have to try paragliding some other time.

Instead I am going to drive a ATV-motorbike tomorrow in the morning, For those of you who worry at least I will be on the ground;-)

Hasta luego

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My last days

Spending my last days just relaxing and enjoying myself. Went shopping yesterday, stopped by the cocashop next to my house and guess what, all products made from the cocaleave i can bring home with me, its just the actual cocaleave i cant bring home with me. Like they say in the Coca shop Coca Si, Cocaina No!!! They have got a point dont they.

Wondering if i should treat myself with a massage, manicure and pedicure before i go home.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

La ultima semana

Yesterday was my last day of both work and spanish. Its strange how fast time has gone.
I have been comparing the system here and at home. Like if you need antibiotics injection at home, well you usually lie in the hospital for a few days and all medicine are provided. Here if the doctor thinks you should get antibiotics for 7 days, well you buy the antibiotics, sterile water to prepare it, syringes and needles. This the patients bring with them for 7 days, and pay 1 sol everytime for the application. Maybe this is how we could fix the finances for the hospital at home?
I was wrong about the peadiatrics, the do have prizes for the kids, they just didnt have any now.
Here malnutrition and anemia are a huge problem with kids. In Cucso alone about 50% of the kids suffer from malnutrition or/and anemia. Yesterday a women came in with her 2 boys for check up, and the older one (about 3 years old) didnt even have underwear, it really breaks my heart to see that side of poverty.

My last week has begun, now i am just going to relax, do what i feel like. Maybe do a little shopping and who knows what adventure lies around the corner.

Thursday, December 09, 2010


Went to work today for the first time this week, the foodpoisoning got the best of me. I am better now, have been eating antibiotics since tuesday. Yesterday was a catholic church holiday so i got the day off and went horsebackriding instead. It was so great 4 hours climbing the Andes and all i had to do was keep myself on the horse and enjoy the ride.

Today i started in peadiatrics. Its like a reception, we measure height, weight and do all controls needed like the size of the head, coordination, do they know the colors, balance etc. and the pore things get their vaccination as well. Saw a 9 days old girl today, the pore thing was wrapped in 3 woolblankets, no homeservice here, like i know is in Iceland, dont know how it is in Sweden though. Here the mothers come for the first control with their babies 2 days after discharge from the hospital, then 7 days after birth, 15 days after birth and then 1 month control etc. I took a pic of their schedule and will put it on facebook later.
I almost felt ashamed of all the things we have att home. Like when kids come to the OR in Karlskrona we give them diplomas and stickers and if they are really sad they get a teddybear (is the same for the ER and ambulance). Today a 4 year old was getting his vaccination and of course he was sad after the injection, i mean who isnt. And its just jaja the pain will go away. No prize for being a good boy. It broke my heart.

Tomorrow is my last day of work and spanishclass. Next week i am planning of having a good time, maybe try some adventures. Still havnt tried paragliding so who knows what next week brings.

Monday, December 06, 2010

Foodpoisoning is no fun...

Got foodpoisoning on saturday, was no fun i can tell you. Was planning on going out to party but was feeling strange so i decided to stay at home instead. Good thing i did, att 1 am my body did not want to keep that food inside anymore. The rest of the night i spent in the bathroom. Sunday i slept, watched a little tv, slept some more and thats how i spent my day, just lying in bed. Trying to drink and eat a little, witch didnt go so well. Today i was feeling weak and dizzy when i woke up so i didnt go to work, i have fever but thats nothing a little paracetamol cant fix. So now i am going to my spanish class, with extra paracetamol in my pocket.

Wednesday is a catholichreligious holiday here so i dont have to work, if i am well enough i am thinking about going to the sacred valley and try paragliding. It is tandem, and everybody says its safe, i hope it is....

Friday, December 03, 2010

Trouble with the law?

The last 3 days a cop has been my patient at the clinic. The first day he was in civil clothes so i didnt know he was a cop. Day 2 he comes in uniform and with his huge german shepard. The dog stood in the doorway and watched as i gave injection to his master. I wondered if the dog would attack me if i didnt do a good job. Today he came with a collegue, d0 you think i would have been arrested if i didnt do a good job? Now he has finished his treatment so the pressure is off =)

I am hoping that next week i can see something else than just topico at the clinic. I will know tomorrow if i can be in peadiatrics next week. Even if it is just for a day or two its fun to see something else.